Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

lighted by a prayer

Monday, July 13, 2009

noo....noo..noo.....DUMB.......... huwaaaaaaaaaa :-(

OMG, idk what's going on..... huwaaaaaa
I think yg gw takutin terjadi semuuaaaaa

hmm kt ga semua sekelas. untungnya gw, satu kls sm Mattun and Selvi
yaaaa seenggaknya ada enaknya dikit lahh
but what happened wif Indah and Alika
*Alika now in 91 and Indah.. 94
*matun, selvi and I, we're in 92

haduhh gw bingung bgtttt gw malay ama new faces in my class

yauda deh jd kt refreshing aja kt ke rmh selvi be5 and then ngobrol2 gjelas kea biasa terus kt patungan buat bikin es buah segerr

yaa agak tenangkan fikiran sedikit lahh..

Oiyaa trus pas msh di skul kt beli nasi rames karena laper abis ahahaha and dani (temen skelas)
said : "weehh skrang jajanya udh nasi nih" huaaa mang resek tu si dani grrrrr tp dia enak bgt lho dri awal msk slalu sekelas with Devy haha why? hmm idk lahh emang dah takdir kali yaaa ahaha

go spirit neverrr dieee

sign with fullsmile :
icha , thx:-p

Thursday, July 9, 2009

bff who Ive get

Ive get so much of best friend, and we also made group as "geng" ahaha
dulu tuh the first time gw di winus gw pny group " CRYSTAL OF THE PLENN " yaitu gw, indah, sarah and yolla,
hmm group itu dibuat pas my birthday 22.10.2007

hmm berhubung mereka yg minta gw traktir yaudah jd kt be4 lgsg kermh indah plg skul sekitar jam 10an (coz baru lebaran jd plg cpet)XD

dah dehh kt makan2 hihi terus pas kt lg makan2, tiba2 "dessy conidya" tmen sekelas gw nelvon n ngcapin congrats ke gw (dia g dateng skul wkt itu krn masih mudik.. haha)
and then we(ber4) decided to make a group yg namanya tadi tu diatas
..nb : but, berhubung diskul kt g boleh ada geng2 or semacamnya, kt buat group diem2 n secrett

o iya gw lupa ksh tw ya, kt tu berada dlm one class(73) kecuali yolla(72) tp thats no problem yaa..

One day after that, I went to school as usually.. hmm suddenly dessx gave me a present.. huwaa im so happy..

dan semenjak itu kt jd sering jalan be5 (yg td ditambah DESSY)
dan tiba2 kt memutuskan untuk ngajak dessy join ke group kt hehe
hmm jd kt sering jalan2 be5

hmm someday, pas kt lg ngumpul di yolla's hoz, we decided to changed our group's name..
jadi EX-BF(Expeliarmus BestFrind) hmm sdikit terinspirasi dgn Harpot ahahaha

tp waktu itu dessy still in a relationship with T**Y
and then gatau siapa yg nyebarin kl kt tu buat geng, arrgghh
sampe kt tu saling fitnah pas gw tanya ke dessy's bf(last) dia bilang tau dari yolla, eh pas yolla yg tanya he said dari gue.. haaa pkoknya gw g ngerti maksud dia dkk tu apaaaaaa????

dan mendekati knaikan kls kt tu hampir g pnh ngumpul bareng, jangankan ngumpul say hello aja jarang huuhh jadi kt kea mencar2 gitu gw tetep bareng indah, dessy with sarah, n yolla.. gw gatau deh dia wkt itu.. cz kt dah kea g pernah ktemu
dan pas mau kenaikan kls, gw n indah jadi dket sama 2 org di kls kt dan sepertinya mereka bakal jadi bestfriend kitaa..

hmm gw gatau EX-BF jadi apa sekarangg!!
tapi sebelum kt ngalamin itu, we have so much beautiful memories.. hmm gw critain itu di next post yaa.. ehehehe
miss you.. miss EX-BF.miss skandar keynes (laahh.. kok??wkwk)

1. Tsuraya Khairunnisa
2. Indah Ramadhani
3. Yolla Putri Usmaniar
4. Sarah Apriani
5. Dessy Conidya

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

bout next day

hmm.. I think this is a bad point who Ive been get.. huaaaa.. in this even, I get math with 69 point, grrrr.. because..... hmmm idk too yaa, thinking I had study more than hard huuhh..

hmm but today I ve get more than happiness ahahaha
i meet my bff (indah, matun, alika, selfi) im so happy cuz we are long time no see haha

as usually we play together, the first.. Alika's mom gave us some food for LUNCH.. wewwww , hmm the second.. we........ hmmm
yaa we're always chat with our talkative hahaha

hmm yaaa we just afraid of next class we arent together again.. huuuaaa..
I hope some miracle come to us.. enn kitaa barengg2 lagi.. with loud of laugh yg agak ga jelass.. but itulahh kita .. (SEHATI = SElviHalimatuAlikaTsurayaIndah)
we all be together forever

C'u next fall..